When not solving quadratic equations, I always thought it made good business to model your behavior after others that you admire, or aspire to be. For example, after businesss school, I thought about returning to Citi to work as an investment banker at Citi Capital Strategies. Since all of their "I-bankers" were previous financial advisors with their Series 24 Principal license, I decided to muster up some courage last week, and ask my boss to sponsor me for the Series 24 exam, which he did!
While not as glamourous as a guest role on the TV series "24" with Jack Bauer, within the world of Wall Street, it is impressive. I have to climb-up 3-wrungs on the corporate ladder before I find another person who holds the Series 24, so it's a big honor, even though right now there are few jobs to be had.
So, now I'm busy studying. I plan to take the 3 1/2 hour exam in 4-weeks so that I can clear the way for studying for the CFP exam in mid-July. Thankfully, Lisa agreed to look the other way when I posted up my white board near our computer desk to help organize myself. I'm going to need to make the most out of my 24-hours over the next 4 1/2 months!