Last week they divided our class of 244 MBAs (up from 233 as of last year) into three course sections. I'm in section A, and so we don't start class until Tuesday, while the other two sections start tomorrow, Monday, October 12th. Our three sections were then further divided into smaller study groups of 5-6 people. For those interested in applying to Oxford take notice that you have absolutely no choice in which course section or study group that you will be in.
I may be slightly biased, but so far, I believe that my study group is the best!!! Since up to 40% of coursework is group-based, we all pledged to keep the average up as high as possible, so that we all have a fair shot of making 'distinction' come final exams at the end of the Michaelmas term. I'm sure they wouldn't mind me mentioning their names: Christof is a consultant from Germany, Emily is a lawyer from Australia, Mosima is a doctor from South Africa, Keerti is an engineer from India, and Babacar works for the IFC World Bank from Senegal. Pretty impressive, huh (how did I end up here - just kidding)?!
Over the next few days I'll do my best to fill you in on the details of what has been going on here recently. I'll just start with a little timeline, so that when you come around to doing this course you might have a better idea on what to expect.
Thursday, September 24th:
- Arrived in LHR on an overnight red-eye flight from JFK
- Checked into temporary College Housing at Stapledon House
- Picked-up Oxford Student Card ('Bod Card') at Exeter
- Opened HSBC Passport bank account
- Shopped for some basic items (toiletries, etc.)
- Had dinner with Bo and Court at QUOD on the High Street (highly recommend)
Friday, September 25th:
- Spent most of the day relaxing, and walking around Oxford
- Met 0ver 65 MBA and MFE students at 'the Turf' pub, which I organized on our class Facebook page
Saturday, September 26th:
- More exploring Oxford, and adjusting to our new life here
Sunday, September 27th:
- Took train ride to Morton-in-the-March in the Cotswolds, and carried on my bus to Stow-in-the-Wold where we stayed overnight at the beautiful Grapevine hotel

Monday, September 28th:
- Enjoyed more beautifully weather in England and the Cotswolds!? Walked around shopping, and walking on a 'ghost tour'
Tuesday, September 29th:
- Back in Oxford getting ready for SBS Orientation tomorrow
- Bought some books half-off from last year MBA (spent about £150 for 6 books representing about 75% of the first-term books). Blackwells sells all the SBS books for over £400 total, plus they don't offer a student-discount, while Borders does (take heed)
Wednesday, September 30th:
- Now things really begin...tune in to next week's blog
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